canal de denuncias administracion publica

Public entities

WeOk is positioned in the market as the only whistleblower channel specialised in public entities.

With a comprehensive approach ranging from state administration to regional and local administration, WeOk offers a solution adapted to the specific needs of each entity, guaranteeing compliance with Law 2/2023.


Why WeOk?

Specialisation in the Public Sector

Service specifically designed for state, regional and local entities, public universities, public law corporations, political parties, trade unions, employers' associations and foundations.

Guaranteed Legal Compliance

Full adaptation to Law 2/2023, ensuring regulatory compliance and protecting both the entity and the whistleblowers.

Confidentiality and Security


Maximum guarantees of confidentiality and security in the management of complaints, respecting the privacy of the informant and of the persons involved.

Why should my public body have a whistleblowing channel?

Public entities are obliged to have a whistleblower channel according to Law 2/2023 of 20 February on the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption. This law introduces the obligation to have internal whistleblowing channels not only for private companies with a certain number of employees, but also for all Public Administrations, as well as other public sector bodies and entities.

What is the deadline for public entities to have their complaints channel active?

Public entities had a deadline of 13 June 2023 to implement their whistleblowing channel. This date was applicable for companies with more than 249 employees and those obliged by their activity or turnover, including administrations and public entities and all other obliged organisations.


Main features of WeOk

Accessibility and Ease of Use

Intuitive and user-friendly platform, accessible from any device

Integrated Complaints Management

From the reception to the follow-up and resolution of each case, with clear and defined deadlines

Flexible Configuration

Both the departments of each entity, as well as the users involved in the process of attention and resolution of the complaints

Specialised Support

Team of experts in public sector legislation, available for advice and incident management

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and analysis tools to assess channel effectiveness and improve internal policies

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and analysis tools to assess channel effectiveness and improve internal policies

Benefits for Public Entities

Transparency and Trust

Strengthens transparency and fosters a climate of trust within and outside the organisation.

Protection against Retaliation

Protection system that ensures the integrity of whistleblowers, avoiding any kind of retaliation.

Prevention of Corruption

Contributes significantly to the prevention and fight against corruption.

Improvement of the Institutional Image

Positions the entity as committed to legality and good practices